Providing broadband access to rural communities

Despite the ever-increasing performance of broadband Internet, sparsely populated areas of all types tend to be marginalised as they only bring little economic return.
Using WiBACK radio relay technology, Servario Networks, established in 2013, has adopted a particular focus on the coverage of rural areas that are purposely disregarded by major network operators. In 2017, Servario Networks has been acquired by Nordhorner Versorgungsbetriebe (NVB), a public utility company, which integrated the provision of wireless broadband access into their service offering. Currently, NVB is helping to bridge the Digital Divide right at their own doorstep, providing rural communities in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony with qualitative broadband access. With the help of WiBACK technology, urban fibre-optic infrastructures have been extended into rural areas via wireless radio links, so that remote villages can be supplied with broadband Internet of similar quality.